The IIIF image server at the University of Houston now includes 100% of the documented images of the Complutensian Bible.
Neel Smith
January 9, 2025
As part of my project on the Complutensian Polyglot Bible, I have mirrored the images of the copy in the National Library of Spain on a IIIF server at the University of Houston. The collection now includes 100% of the documented images.
The images are documented in six IIIF manifests, one for each volume.
The manifests are generated from codex models of the six volumes of the Complutensian in this github repository via a Julia script using the CitablePhysicalText package. (See a tutorial from the package documentation on generating IIIF manifests.) The following Julia code generates the manifests from the same data.
First, we follow the tutorial to instantiate an image service, configure settings for the IIIF manifests, and read in the codex model.
usingCitablePhysicalText, CitableBaseusingCitableImageimgsvc_baseurl =""imgsvc_root ="/project/homer/pyramidal/deepzoom"imgsvc =IIIFservice(imgsvc_baseurl, imgsvc_root)manifestids = ["$(i)-manifest.json" for i in1:6]configs =iiifconfig.(manifestids)codexurls = ["$(i).cex" for i in1:6]codices = [fromcex(f, Codex, UrlReader)[1] for f in codexurls]totalpages = [length(c.pages) for c in codices] |> sum@info("Total pages documented in manifests: $(totalpages)")
Precompiling CitablePhysicalText...
1075.2 ms ✓ Clustering
1364.7 ms ✓ ImageBinarization
1791.5 ms ✓ Sixel
2557.5 ms ✓ ImageSegmentation
5122.5 ms ✓ ImageCorners
3251.7 ms ✓ Images
3404.4 ms ✓ CitableImage
3555.3 ms ✓ CitablePhysicalText
8 dependencies successfully precompiled in 16 seconds. 256 already precompiled.
[ Info: Total pages documented in manifests: 3029
Then generating the manifests is a one-ilner.
manifests = [iiifmanifest(codices[i], configs[i], imgsvc) for i in1:6]