The GettysburgParser
The GettysburgParser
used in this demonstration works with a simple dictionary of tokens to POS tags. The dictionary was constructed by wrapping the Python NLTK POS tagger with a Julia function. This page documents how to do that so that you can generically apply the NTLK tagger to a list of tokens from Julia.
Python prerequisites
You need to have Python, with nltk
pip install nltk
Then start python, and at the python prompt,
import nltk
A Julia wrapper
# If you're in a system with python accessible
# and the nltk module installed, you can actually
# execute all the code blocks on this page.
repo = pwd() |> dirname |> dirname |> dirname
gburgfile = joinpath(repo,"test","data","gettysburg","gettysburgcorpus.cex")
using CitableCorpus
corpus = corpus_fromfile(gburgfile, "|")
In Julia, you can make the NLTK module’s tag
function available like this:
using Conda
using PyCall
@pyimport nltk.tag as ptag
Now if we have a citable corpus named corpus
, we can use the TextAnalysis
functions to extract a unique lexicon, and apply the NLTK tagger to it.
using CitableCorpusAnalysis
using TextAnalysis
tacorp = tacorpus(corpus)
tkns = []
for doc in tacorp.documents
push!(tkns, tokens(doc))
tknlist = tkns |> Iterators.flatten |> collect |> unique
tagged = ptag.pos_tag(tknlist)