Texts, objects, images
The key type for the package is the DSETriple
that associates three URN values. You can build one manually.
using CitablePhysicalText
using CitableBase, CitableObject, CitableText
psg = CtsUrn("urn:cts:trmilli:tl.25.v1:1")
img = Cite2Urn("urn:cite2:lycian:hc.v1:2007.02.0003@0.04848,0.09494,0.7129,0.07528")
surf = Cite2Urn("urn:cite2:trmilli:inscriptions.v1:TL25")
triple = DSETriple(psg, img, surf)
DSETriple(urn:cts:trmilli:tl.25.v1:1, urn:cite2:lycian:hc.v1:2007.02.0003@0.04848,0.09494,0.7129,0.07528, urn:cite2:trmilli:inscriptions.v1:TL25)
Use these functions to extract particular fields.
Note that since each component of the triple is a URN, you can test it with URN logic, as the following example illustrates.
tl25 = CtsUrn("urn:cts:trmilli:tl.25.v1:")
urncontains(tl25, passage(triple))