Orthographic validation


June 7, 2024

An example orthographic system: SimpleAscii

The examples on this page use SimpleAscii, an orthography for a basic alphabetic subset of the ASCII character set that is included in the Orthography package. The function simpleAscii creates an instance of a SimpleAscii orthography.

using Orthography
orthography = simpleAscii()

The SimpleAscii orthography is only meant to demonstrate the functionality of an orthographic system. Its definitions of lexical and punctuation tokens are reasonable, but the treatment of numeric tokens is naive and not suitable for real-world use.

The character set of an orthography

We can find all the codepoints that are allowed in an orthography with the codepoints function

codepointlist = codepoints(orthography)
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.,-:;!?'\"()[] \t\n"

Note that the results is a single String value, which in Julia can also be treated as a Vector of Chars.

The validstring function uses the orthographic system’s information about what codepoints are valid to evaluate whether a string of characters is valid.

validstring( "OK!", orthography)
camtweets = "Thë ōnly thîng bëttër than havîng a qualîty cîgar... îs havîng gōōd cōnvërsatîon tō accōmpany ît wîth"
validstring(camtweets, orthography)